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There’s a Yak in the Car!

Shaine is an animal lover through and through –he really connects with them.  When not interacting with animals, he likes to look at photos and talk about the next time he will encounter a four legged friend.  Shaine recently had a chance to discover the Olympic Game Farm thanks to his long time staff  Venetia Moore.  Located in Sequim, WA, the farm was originally founded to house “animal actors” and as a site to make nature films for Disney. Today, the Olympic Game Farm offers visitors a drive through safari experience where you can feed animals from the car.

Once Shaine learned where he was going, he was very excited.  He held onto the brochure and repeatedly pointed to the picture.  Driving through the farm, Shaine didn’t quite know what to do so Venetia rolled down the passenger side window and threw out some bread.  A llama quickly grabbed it.  Shaine loved this, so he put his window down too, inviting a llama to stick its head into the car—this was not something Shaine had expected!

After the initial shock wore off, Shaine enjoyed dangling the bread, either letting the free range animals take it from his hand or watching them lick it off the window.  He had a smile from ear to ear and was nearly dancing in his seat.

Venetia made sure this was a special adventure for Shaine.  After hours at the park, he still hadn’t gotten enough and as they drove past a Petco in town, he asked to make a stop.  And so they did. They visited the local pet store, and grabbed some dinner for a picnic.  Shaine is still smiling from, and talking about his experience at the game farm.

Special thanks to PSRS staff Venetia for planning such a meaningful and memorable trip for Shaine …and for getting some great photos!